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Livermore Auto Collision Repair Services

What to do after an accident

Ever been in an accident? If the answer is yes, then you know how stressful the process of repair can be if you don’t know what to do. If the answer is no, then keep reading, maybe you’ll learn a thing or two you didn’t know before.

Immediately after
The first thing to do in any accident is to make sure that all parties involved are safe and uninjured. If someone is injured, call 911 before anything else. It is important to remember to keep calm and don’t panic. Once you realized you have been in an accident, even if everyone is okay, call 911. Or, better yet, call your local police station if it is not an emergency. Having both numbers handy on quick dial is a good practice. No matter how big or small the accident, a police report is always required, so don’t leave the scene without one.

Once the Police have arrived
Tell the officer who arrives exactly what happened. Wait for them to file the police report and call a tow truck if any of the vehicles involved are no longer drivable. Get the insurance information of everyone involved.

After your vehicle is removed from the accident scene
Have your car brought to a shop of your choice, but if you don’t have one in mind, ask your insurance company where to go. They will give you a list of shops they recommend since they have an existing relationship. Either way, it is still your decision where you send your car.

Once your car is in a shop being repaired
Be patient. Vehicles today are complex in more ways than imaginable. Repairs may be lengthy but well worth the wait when you’re back on the road safe! Read more about what to do after an accident here.

When you are back on the road
Drive safe, and always stay alert. Keep emergency numbers in your phone and insurance paperwork in your glovebox. Some insurance companies have phone pocket apps that are handy in times like these making it easy to access insurance information quickly. No one is prepared for an accident so it’s a good idea to be ready for the unexpected so you’re not floundering looking for things in your time of need.

At Tri-Valley Auto Body, we are committed to serving the community, so our customers get the results they deserve. If you need guidance through the collision repair process, we are here to help alleviate any concerns you may have.

Visit us at 3529 1st Street Livermore, CA 94551, or call us at 925.443.8548. Monday-Friday 8am-5pm. Contact us here.